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Schools Almost in Session…..Here are some Tips to stay safe!

By August 24, 2023News
Common Sense Back To School Tips blog - back to school written on chalkboard surrounded by school supplies

Well, it’s almost here! Back to School!  Some common sense safety tips to consider:

With schools set to open soon, here are a few things to consider and to talk about with your children.  These may be common sense, but it’s always a good thing to go over to ensure we are trying to stay safe!

  • Review Transportation Safety! Whether your child walks, bikes, or travels to school on the bus, review safe practices with them.  This of course will depend on the age of your child, but talk and teach them about crosswalks and looking both ways before crossing the street.  For bikers, ensure they are wearing their helmets and know their path to get to school safely.  And, if they are taking the bus, review how to behave on the bus and to listen to the bus driver.
  • Educate about Online Safety:  With the increasing use of technology in education, it’s important to teach your child about online safety.  Discuss the importance of not sharing personal information online, being cautious when interacting, and the potential dangers of cyberbullying.
  • Establish Emergency Plans:  Ensure your child knows important contact numbers, such as yours and a trusted neighbor or friend.  Review emergency procedures like fire drills and lockdowns.
  • Encourage Healthy Habits: Remind your child about the importance of health and hygiene. Emphasize proper handwashing, covering coughs and sneezes, and not sharing personal items to prevent the spread of illnesses.
  • Address Bullying Prevention:  Talk openly with your child about bullying.  Encourage them to communicate any issues they encounter, whether they’re the target or the bystander.
  • Driver Safety:   If your child is driving, take the time to go over safe driving habits and the importance to stay on alert while driving by bus stops, school crossings, and to notice the increase in volume of vehicles and pedestrians.  Especially the first few weeks as we all get back into a routine.

Let’s all do our best to ensure the back to school time is safe and enjoyable for everyone.  Back to School safety isn’t just a checklist, but an ongoing commitment that helps build a strong foundation for a successful school year and beyond! Let’s have a safe and rewarding school year for everyone!


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